Mimi's Bowl

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Oven Baked Rice

This recipe is fantastic if you love risotto but wouldn't even consider trying to make one, if it required stirring for 25 minutes.... I haven't made risotto in ages for this very reason. Let me share this brilliant  parent hack risotto ~ it takes no time to prep and cooks in the oven. Perfect for a quick family meal, without the fuss and delicious too. Perfectly cooked risotto rice in 20 minutes & no stirring required! & a great way to use up homemade chicken stock, or bone broth, which has lots of nutritional benefit too. 

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • Knob of unsalted butter

  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped

  • 250g risotto rice

  • 750ml hot stock, I use homemade stock (see recipe), or use a no salt stock cube

  • handful of cherry tomatoes

To serve (you can add ingreidents you like):

  • cooked peas

  • cooked broad beans

  • Parmesan

  • Parsley, finely chopped

Preheat the oven to 180C (fan oven). In a heavy based pot cook the onion in a little oil and butter, until soft. Add the rice, coat in the oil, butter and onion mix. Add the stock (it should be hot stock), then bring to the boil. Add a handful of cherry tomatoes. Cover the pot with a well fitting lid and cook in the oven for 20 mins. Remove from the oven ~ the rice should be cooked and have absorbed all of the stock. You can stir half way through. 

To finish I mixed through some cooked peas, broad beans, Parmesan and parsley to finish, but add whatever you all like to eat. A simple version with just rice, stock and peas would be perfect for little ones.

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